My KICKIN' Site!!
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...that was pants.

Hi, everyone! Thanks for coming to my site...Hope you enjoy it. Okay, here is a little about me. I live in Manitoba, Canada. I am 14 years old and I really like Lord of the Rings. I've got a weekly visit going to Pine Rock Stables, (a stables in my area) where I go to learn stuff and work with horses. My dream is to become a horse trainer. I'm not going to bother describing myself to you, because I have a picture of me somewhere on here. Anyways, check out the rest of the pages, and have fun, and contact me if you like. Namarie!
~Luv, me

Don't fear insanity...embrace it!

What's New?

Important events go here.

Aug. 1-15/03: Went to camp, had a blast, didn't want to leave. The usual.
Aug. 15/03: Got home from camp. My ears popped so bad on the plane, it hurt like a bitch.
Oct. 19/03: My birthday! Woo hoo!
Dec. 17/03: Return of the King!


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